A common misconception about man’s moral compass is that it points south. A direct line to the world’s evils. In fact, moral compasses function using a magnetized needle that points them towards the universe’s magnetic south pole rather than true south. In the case of humanity, it leads them about 15 miles west of the actual moral south. The moral south being the source of the world’s wickedness and the supposed predestination of human morality.
This variance in ethical direction is not insignificant. It has led to a significant number of navigation errors. These humans, reaching for true behavioral low points, have failed to correct for this magnetic deviation. They sailed directly past that southerly haven of hedonism and up the side of the universe. Lost, scared, and confused these people are adrift in the sea of righteousness neither evil nor good.
These feeble souls are the reason why humankind is not fully composed of wrongdoers. Their compasses do not point directly to malice. Without making adjustments they find themselves astray, far from their predetermined path. Not evil, but ambivalent. In the most extreme cases, sailing through the waters of the northern light. Principled beyond what is proper for a race of bipedal terrors.
To avoid this fate and become the amoral thief, adulterer, or arsonist you’ve always wanted, simply make an 8-degree easterly adjustment to point towards the true south. Good luck.